Bechamp or Pasteur?

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NotebookLM on Eugene Marais

Google’s very interesting NotebookLM discusses the importance of Eugene Marais and his work. Marais is the author of The Soul of the Ape and The Soul of the White Ant.

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Nineteen-Eighty Four

George Orwell

Paperback, hardcover

An indelible part of the 21st century social fabric and geopolitical reality, George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four has gifted our culture these (now fundamental) concepts and much more.

Completed in 1948 and first published mid-1949, the public recognized the book’s biting satire of malignant bureaucracy and totalitarian overreach immediately. Part cautionary warning and part pitch-black absurdist autobiography, Orwell’s gritty alarm now rings more relevant than perhaps ever before.

Bechamp or Pasteur?

Ethel Hume, Robert Pearson

Paperback, hardcover, epub.

Two books in one. Pasteur’s theft and distortion of Antoine Bechamp’s work is exposed in detail, and thoroughly documented.

“An amazing alternative interpretation of biochemical history. A compelling account of Pasteur’s plagiarism and a strong reminder of the powers at work in the pharmaceutical and regulatory industry.”

“We have been so ingrained for our entire lives to think and live in a certain way… It is challenging to begin this epic saga of removing the veil of lies, opening your thought patterns to something outside of our normal belief patterns, and look at the evidence subjectively.”

An Agricultural Testament

“Howard’s discoveries and methods, and their implications, are given in detail in An Agricultural Testament. They are of enormous usefulness to gardeners and farmers, and to anyone who may be interested in the history and the problems of land use.

But aside from its practical worth, Howard’s book is valuable for his ability to place his facts and insights within the perspective of history. This book is a critique of civilizations, judging them not by their artefacts and victories, but by their response to the sacred duty of handing over to the next generation, unimpaired, the heritage of a fertile soil.” – Wendell Berry, The Last Whole Earth Catalog

Paperback, epub.

In 1967, Myron Fagan released a three-LP set titled “Illuminati”. This recording has been transcribed and used as the basis for this edition, published in 2017 by A Distant Mirror in paperback, Kindle and epub formats.
Myron Fagan describes how the Illuminati became the instrument of the Rothschilds to achieve a One World Government, and how every war during the past two centuries was instigated by this group.

This is an historical text with names, dates, organization and, mode of operations, exposing the octopus gripping the world. Fagan exposes the Rothschilds’ involvement, Zionism, Luciferian ideology, the destruction of national sovereignty and religions, Freemasonry, the Illuminist media and banksters, and the plan for three World Wars.

The Soul of the Ape & My Friends the Baboons
Paperback, epub.

Includes the two works by Eugene Marais written after his period spent living among a troop of baboons in the South African veldt.

Firstly, there was a series of articles written in Afrikaans for the newspaper Die Vaderland. They were published in an English translation in 1939 under the title My Friends the Baboons. These pieces were written in a popular vein suitable to a newspaper readership, and were not regarded seriously by Marais himself. They are a journal; a series of anecdotes and impressions.

The Soul of the Ape, which Marais wrote in beautifully clear and precise English, was the more serious scientific document; however after his death in 1936, it could not be found. It was lost for 32 years, and was recovered in 1968, and published the following year.

>> See all books

For instrumental versions, with no vocals, see

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    Edition by D. Major

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  • Microzymas in actionMicrozymas in action

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  • Video: Louis Pasteur vs Antoine Béchamp and the germ theory of diseaseVideo: Louis Pasteur vs Antoine Béchamp and the germ theory of disease

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  • Antoine Bechamp & pleomorphismAntoine Bechamp & pleomorphism

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    Few made as much use of this fact as Louis Pasteur, who based much of his career ...

  • Who understood the magic of life – Antoine Bechamp or Louis Pasteur?Who understood the magic of life - Antoine Bechamp or Louis Pasteur?

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    “There is no medical doctrine as potentially dangerous as a partial truth implemented as whole truth.”

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    Instead of being ...

  • Geological Micro-leavensGeological Micro-leavens

    In this account of one of his experiments which demonstrates the existence of microzymas, Bechamp added chalk to maintain the neutrality of the medium. He was surprised to see two different reactions, depending on whether he used chemically pure calcium carbonate or commercial chalk, all other factors being equal.

    The first solution, with sugar added and treated with creosote, did ...

  • Pasteur: Plagiarist, ImposterPasteur: Plagiarist, Imposter

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    Introduction to Bechamp or Pasteur?

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    Louis Pasteur built his reputation and altered the course of twentieth century ...

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    A century and a half ago, Antoine Bechamp declared the microzyma is the essential unit of life. He observed tiny, round granular bodies within the cells that glistened as tiny sparkles of refracted light. He was not the first to see the granules, but he was the first to suspect these ‘little bodies’ might hold the ...

  • On the Work of Enderlein, Bechamp, and other researchers into pleomorphismOn the Work of Enderlein, Bechamp, and other researchers into pleomorphism

    Bechamp, Rife and Naessens all demonstrated that there are cellular components which are virtually indestructible. Neither carbonizing temperatures nor radioactive radiation can harm them.

    Enderlein believed that they entered the cells of higher differentiated cell colonies as parasites, while Antoine Bechamp believed that they are the essence of life in the cell.

    The endobiont is always present, and ...

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    Antoine Bechamp

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    The object of this work is the solution of a problem of the first order; to show the real nature of the blood, and to demonstrate the character of its organization. It has, besides, a secondary purpose; the solution of a problem long ago stated, ...

  • Bechamp, Pleomorphism, and Enderlein’s protitsBechamp, Pleomorphism, and Enderlein's protits

    The Life Enthusiast


    “…all natural organic matters (matters that once lived), absolutely protected from atmospheric germs, invariably and spontaneously alter and ferment, because they necessarily and inherently contain within themselves the agents of their spontaneous alteration, digestion, dissolution”. These agents are of course the self same Protits of Enderlein. As noted, Béchamp called them Microzymas. He proved that all ...

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    by Drs Archie Kalokerinos & Glenn Dettman.

    Aboriginal infant mortality in Australia is strongly associated with the immunizations that are meant to save them. The value of megascorbic therapy as treatment. This important paper relates these findings to Antoine Bechamp’s science.