- Nineteen-Eighty FourGEORGE ORWELL
Paperback, hardcover
An indelible part of the 21st century social fabric and geopolitical reality, George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four has gifted our culture these (now fundamental) concepts and much more.Completed in 1948 and first published mid-1949, the public recognized the book’s biting satire of malignant bureaucracy and totalitarian overreach immediately. Part cautionary warning and part pitch-black absurdist autobiography, Orwell’s gritty alarm now rings more relevant than perhaps ever before.
Presented with the full, uncensored and unabridged 1949 text, a foreword by 1984 (the film) co-producer Al Clark, a comprehensive and illustrated introduction that situates the book in Orwell’s personal circumstances and the broader political and social framework with other key texts and notable additions.
- The Strange Voyage of Máel DúinDAVID MAJOR
This is a new edition of one of the great stories of Irish mythology. It is extensively illustrated in full color by Midjourney, at the time of publication the leading AI illustration tool. The text is by David Major, author of The Day of the Nefilim and Air for Fire. The Strange Voyage of Máel Dúin is a legendary tale from Gaelic literature that holds a significant place in the traditions of myth and history. It recounts the extraordinary maritime journey of the heroic Máel Dúin and his companions as they embark on a perilous quest. This collaboration between human authorship and illustration by AI begins with Máel Dúin seeking revenge for the death of his father at the hands of raiders. He gathers a crew of seventeen warriors (plus three stepbrothers who decide to tag along) and sets sail in a currach. Their voyage takes them through various mystical islands and encounters with fantastic beings, testing their courage, wit, and resilience. - The Imitation of ChristTHOMAS A KEMPIS
PaperbackIntroducing a new edition of The Imitation of Christ by Thomas A Kempis, extensively illustrated with prints by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld and featuring many bible passages from the RSVCE Bible. This text has long been a treasure trove for Catholics around the world. With its beautiful illustrations and carefully selected Bible passages, this new edition brings the timeless wisdom of Thomas A Kempis to life like never before. First published over 500 years ago, The Imitation of Christ has been revered by Catholics for centuries as a guide to a more meaningful and spiritual life. This new edition retains the book's original message while presenting it in a fresh and modern format, making it more accessible and relevant to today's readers.
- Taking Heart and Making Sense: a New View of Nature, Feeling and the BodyKARIN LINDGAARD
What do animals feel?
How do living systems become conscious?Taking Heart and Making Sense takes on these and many more questions about the natural world and human experience, helping us to understand our feelings and emotions, and our sense of meaning in life.
Taking Heart and Making Sense takes readers on a conceptual adventure across many disciplines, presenting contemporary theories about feeling and emotion by major researchers in psychology, philosophy and cognitive science. Lindgaard points out themes as well as problems in these theories, and frames them in relation to our fundamental concepts about the world. Solving these problems requires nothing less than a profound shift in worldview.
This new worldview is based on the concepts of change, process and relation. It supports coherent explanations of feeling, consciousness and life itself. Feeling is understood as an inner sensing that arises from the whole body. Human beings are seen as unique and individualised as well as deeply interconnected, with each other and with the natural world.
- An Agricultural TestamentALBERT HOWARD
Paperback"Howard's discoveries and methods, and their implications, are given in detail in An Agricultural Testament. They are of enormous usefulness to gardeners and farmers, and to anyone who may be interested in the history and the problems of land use.
But aside from its practical worth, Howard's book is valuable for his ability to place his facts and insights within the perspective of history. This book is a critique of civilizations, judging them not by their artefacts and victories, but by their response to the sacred duty of handing over to the next generation, unimpaired, the heritage of a fertile soil." - Wendell Berry, The Last Whole Earth Catalog
- The Saxons in BritainTHOMAS MILLER
Paperback only. 285 pages, full colour illustrations throughout.A history of Britain from prehistoric and Roman times, through the arrival of the Saxons, the development of the Octarchy, and up to the arrival of the Vikings and the reign of Aethelwulf, father of Alfred the Great.
Before the Saxons | The Dawn of History - The Ancient Britons - The Druids - Landing of Julius Cæsar - Caractacus, Boadicea, and Agricola - Departure of the Romans - Britain after the Roman Period
The Saxon Invasion | The Ancient Saxons - Hengist, Horsa, Rowena, and Vortigern - Ella, Cerdric, and King Arthur - Establishment of the Saxon Octarchy - The Conversion of Ethelbert - Edwin, King of the Deiri and Bernicia - Penda, the Pagan Monarch of Mercia - Decline of the Saxon Octarchy - Offa the Terrible - Egbert, King of all the Saxons
Appendices | Anglo-Saxon Culture - Religion - Government and Laws - Literature - Architecture, Art, and Science - Costume, Manners, Customs, and Everyday Life
- The Soil and HealthALBERT HOWARD
Paperback, Kindle, Epub.A new edition of an important work by Albert Howard, one of the leading figures of the British organics movement.
This is a detailed analysis of the vital role of humus and compost in soil health — and the importance of soil health to the health of crops and the humans who eat them. The author is keenly aware of the dead end which awaits humanity if we insist on growing our food using artificial fertilisers and poisons.
"Agriculture is the fundamental industry of the world and must be allowed to occupy the primary position in the economies of all countries." - Albert Howard
- The Soul of the Ape & My Friends the BaboonsEUGENE MARAIS
Paperback, Kindle.Includes the two works by Eugene Marais written after his period spent living among a troop of baboons in the South African veldt.
Firstly, there was a series of articles written in Afrikaans for the newspaper Die Vaderland. They were then published in book form under the title Burgers van die Berge, and were first published in an English translation in 1939 under the title My Friends the Baboons. These pieces were written in a popular vein suitable to a newspaper readership, and were not regarded seriously by Marais himself. They are a journal; a series of anecdotes and impressions.
The Soul of the Ape, which Marais wrote in beautifully clear and precise English, was the more serious scientific document; however after his death in 1936, it could not be found. It was lost for 32 years, and was recovered in 1968, and published the following year.
The excellent introduction by Robert Ardrey that is included in this volume was part of the 1969 and subsequent editions of The Soul of the Ape, and adds greatly to an appreciation of its importance.
"One of the great masterpieces of scientific literature. I would even say it is a master piece of literature alone. I hope this man is remembered by the future and not forgotten further." - reader review
- The Wheel of HealthGUY WRENCH
Paperback, Kindle & EpubThe Hunza of northern Pakistan were famous for their extraordinary vitality and health. Dr Wrench argues that in part at least, this is because their food was not made ‘sophisticated’, by the artificial processes typically applied to modern processed food. How these processes affect our food is dealt with in great detail in this book.
The answer that Dr Wrench uncovered in his researches goes deeper than just the food, though. The real answer lies in what was special about the Hunza's water supply.
A new edition, illustrated.
- Air for FireDL MAJOR
Paperback, Kindle & epub - Bechamp or Pasteur?ETHEL HUME, ROBERT PEARSON
Paperback, Kindle, Epub.Two books in one. Pasteur's theft and distortion of Antoine Bechamp's work is exposed in detail, and thoroughly documented.
"An amazing alternative interpretation of biochemical history. A compelling account of Pasteur's plagiarism and a strong reminder of the powers at work in the pharmaceutical and regulatory industry."
"We have been so ingrained for our entire lives to think and live in a certain way... It is challenging to begin this epic saga of removing the veil of lies, opening your thought patterns to something outside of our normal belief patterns, and look at the evidence subjectively. There is so much to take in ... I am on my third read and it is like reading it for the first time."
- The Blood and its Third ElementANTOINE BECHAMP
Paperback, Kindle, epub.His last work, this is the only book by Bechamp currently available in English.
"What Dr. Béchamp is describing is a foundational concept. According to his experiments and observations, these tiny particles he named "microzymas" have an active role in sustaining and also in terminating life.
Béchamp searched for and found the same particles and activity even in limestone, from the ancient shelled creatures whose bodies were incorporated into the stone. They still retained their activity. As the organizing life-principle of a complex body ceases to operate - as it dies - the microzymas take up their role of breaking it down and returning its elements to nature to be taken up by other life forms."
- The Soul of the White AntEUGENE MARAIS
Paperback, Kindle, Epub, Audiobook"As a safari Guide in the Okavango Botswana for many years, I used this book as a basis for presenting a fascination for the smaller creatures of the African bush, my home for my entire life and which I was privileged to share with many clients from different countries. Termite mounds are really interesting and Eugene Marais compared the infrastructure of a termitary to that of the human body. Writing from the heart, this scientific author instills a wonder in the reader, of the incredible intricacies of nature, in a light-hearted, easily readable manner."
"An excellent read - astonishing for its time. A heartfelt and truly holistic/metaphysical observation of how the colony functions which is deeply thought provoking..."
- IlluminatiMYRON FAGAN
Paperback, Kindle, epub.Myron Fagan describes how the Illuminati became the instrument of the Rothschilds to achieve a One World Government, and how every war during the past two centuries was instigated by this group.
This is an historical text with names, dates, organization and, mode of operations, exposing the octopus gripping the world. Fagan exposes the Rothschilds' involvement, Zionism, Luciferian ideology, the destruction of national sovereignty and religions, Freemasonry, the Illuminist media and banksters, and the plan for three World Wars.
- Ten Acres is EnoughEDMUND MORRIS
Paperback, Kindle, epub."I am loving this book. It is so full of information that I can only read a little at a time. I need to read it twice and take notes the next time through. It all about permaculture before the word was even created. Everything in this book can be applied to today's homesteading too. I cant wait to try some of these principals on my own 10 acres!"
- Reconstruction by Way of the SoilGUY WRENCH
Paperback, Kindle, epub. - My InventionsNIKOLA TESLA
Paperback, Kindle, epub."I would highly recommend this book to anyone interested in the life and works of Nikola Tesla. Not only is it an invitation to one of the greatest minds of the last century but a chance to get to know Tesla as a person, as the book is filled with anecdotes of his early life. To my surprise and amusement, the inventor had a great sense of humour and very interesting views on various matters, such as friendship, politics and others. The book was written in 1919, almost a century ago, but I am sure it will be an inspiration for several generations to come..." - reader review
PaperbackGeorge Oliver returns the reader to a time and methodology where people took responsibility for what they did and what they produced.
In this world of spiraling food prices, huge landfills, diminishing food supplies, loss of topsoil, and water pollution, the reader is gently chastised for "letting someone else do it" and being "just too busy." We were once a self-reliant nation; now we outsource. Oliver shows the reader what is wrong and why.
And the book is about earthworms.
- The Problem of Increasing Human EnergyNIKOLA TESLA
Paperback, Kindle, epub.The best version of this book... excellent."
Eventually holding over 700 patents, Tesla worked in a number of fields, including electricity, robotics, radar, and the wireless transmission of energy.
This small book contains Tesla’s thoughts on humanity’s relationship with the universe, and also his explanation of the technological advancements embodied in his work.
First published in Century Illustrated Magazine in June 1900.
- Response in the Living and Non-LivingJAGADISH BOSE
Paperback, Kindle, epubFurther, the nature of the response is determined not by the play of an unknowable and arbitrary vital force, but by laws that do not change, and act equally and uniformly throughout both organic and inorganic matter.
This realization was always at the core of his work. He sought to show that all materials react to their environments according to the same laws; in other words, everything exists in the same field of consciousness.
- Franz Schubert – a BiographyHENRY FROST
Paperback, Kindle, epub.This new edition of Henry Frost’s 1892 biography of Franz Schubert has been edited and revised. The original references to pieces by Opus number have been replaced with the more commonly used D numbers. Many illustrations of places and people have been added throughout the text, and a complete catalog of Schubert’s works has been included.
“With faith man steps forth into the world. Faith is far ahead of understanding and knowledge; for to understand anything, I must first of all believe something. Faith is the higher basis on which weak understanding rears its first columns of proof; reason is nothing but faith analysed.” – Franz Schubert
- The Day of the NefilimDL MAJOR
Paperback, Kindle, epub.Most of the world's conspiracy theories are true, and here is the SF novel that shamelessly capitalizes on the fact...
"Scanning over the reviews of this book which you have already received, I see that all the good superlatives have already been ably employed; the richness of praise so opulent and resounding that even a great big word freak like myself is hard put to say anything that would glitter for an instant in the clamouring tide.
So, all I can say is that I love this book as much as I love all of my favourite science fiction books, and that’s a quantity that defies quantifiers. Everything in this book is perfect. The ending is perfect; the villains are perfect; the characters and images and settings are perfect.
I, too, could barely put it down. And I want to also say, thank you.” — P. Deering