All mammals and most likely all other animals have two parasites. They are in a particular relationship and supplement each other. Those two parasites or endobionts are called Mucor racemosus Fresen and Aspergillus niger van Tiegham.
Bechamp, Rife and Naessens all demonstrated that they are virtually indestructible. Neither carbonizing temperatures nor radioactive radiation can harm them. Enderlein believed that they entered the cells of higher differentiated cell colonies as parasites, while Antoine Bechamp believed that they are the essence of life in the cell.
The endobiont is always present, and cannot be removed from the living cell; the clinical symptoms of a disease depend on the stage of its development. This ‘fungal parasite’ can be present in all tissues and organs.
Today’s mainstream medicine is governed by consent of opinions, rather than hard scientific evidence. This is the reason why false and fraudulent teachings can survive, even though the truth has been known for a long time. There are basically three dogmas that are still adhered to:
The first, and probably most disastrous error, originates from Ferdinand Cohn, who in 1870 proclaimed that all microbes and bacteria have only one form (i.e. monomorphism). This view was also held by Louis Pasteur. This teaching was opposed to the teaching of Antoine Bechamp who, roughly at the same time, demonstrated that microbes can alter their form and appear as different germs (i.e. pleomorphism). Enderlein and many other researchers after him have confirmed this.
All microbes that permanently live in our organism go through the same stages of development. According to Enderlein, these stages are:
- Colloid, or microbe (primitive phrase)
- bacteria (middle phase)
- fungus (end phase)
Royal Rife showed that with increased toxicity, the transformation goes into non-filterable forms that are not visible with ordinary light microscopes (i.e. viruses).
This also disproves Pasteur’s infection theory, as the ‘pathogenic bacteria’ do not have to come from outside, and in fact hardly ever do. The state of development depends on the medium the germ lives in:
- Primitive phases live in a strong alkaline pH
- Bacterial phases live in mild alkaline pH
- Fungal forms live in a medium acid pH
- Viral forms live in a strong acid pH
In order to keep the right environment, every microbe produces an organic acid:
- Mucor racemosus – lactic acid
- Aspergillus niger – citric acid
The pathogenity of a particular germ lies only in one phase of its development. Our ‘constant tenants’ are the only exemption where all but the very early stages are pathogenic. Only what Enderlein termed protit and chondrite are completely avirulent and play an important regulatory role in reducing higher virulent forms to primitive forms by copulating with them.
Those phases can easily be seen in living blood under the microscope, but only in ‘darkfield’ as the small primitive forms are invisible in ‘brightfield’.
Even Louis Pasteur said in the last minutes of his life: “Bernard is right; it is the soil and not the germ, that makes the plant grow.”
The second major error originates from William Harvey who stated in 1651 (!) that the cell is the smallest unit of life. This statement can easily be understood, considering the very limited magnification and resolution of the microscopes of his time. Enderlein demonstrated and published in 1921 and 1925 that the smallest unit of life is not the cell, but the protit, named microzyma by Bechamp and somatid by Gaston Naessens.
The third error came again from Pasteur when he claimed that the blood is sterile, a piece of nonsense still taught by modern bacteriologists. A look through a high power darkfield microscope quickly disproves this theory (provided that one wants to see). Pasteur had the talent of teaching the biggest nonsense and of making people believe it. It is now well known that he even falsified the results of his research when it did not show the results he wanted. He was also quite ready to plagiarize the results of others. The vaccination fraud is based on his manipulated ‘research’. Whole generations of researchers followed his example. Modern ‘scientific medicine’ became a collection of long disproven theories (e.g. blood clot and obstruction theory of coronary heart disease, germ theory and infection theory, single cell theory of cancer, etc…).
Microbes follow the same basic urges as other living beings:
- Urge for survival
- Urge for sex and multiplication
- Urge for power
1) The urge for survival shows in the urge to eat. Our ‘endobiont’ eats protein. Naturally it also has a typical metabolism which produces lactic acid (Mucor racemosus) and citric acid (Aspergillus niger) as mentioned before.
2) The urge for sexual multiplication can be seen in the strong attraction in all stages of development from the very first stages, even when they are within blood cells. This leads to the formation of ‘clots’ (called symplasts) which can block our blood vessels with the relevant consequences. Symplasts can be made out of colloids or symprotids, thrombocytes, erythrocytes, leukocytes or a mixture of all.
3) The urge for power is seen in the urge to combine with other cells to form a higher, more stable form. In this combination (systatogenesis), all stages of development can be involved, as this is not a sexual combination’ but it is strictly within the same kind. This combination stops all forms in further development. These formations are a major obstacle for the circulation. They can be impressively demonstrated by staining, and are often misdiagnosed as fungus structures.
All these structures can be easily observed in the living blood, and from the observed stages we can draw conclusions regarding the health of our patients.
We have to finally stop believing in long disproven theories, and stick to the basic principles of science: when reality shows results different from the theory, then the theory is wrong, not reality. Medicine has to change from a religion with popes and dogmas into a real science.
The most important terms created by Prof. Enderlein:
- Ascit – a name for all phases of bacterial development. The nuclei are in a row (katatakt)
- Chondrit – a name for the very first primitive phases
- Cystit – a Mychit with polydynamic nucleus
- Dioekothecit – a colloidthecit, filled with very small nuclei
- Filum – linear unification of several Protits
- Kolloidthecit – a cell without nucleus
- Mych – the symprotit in its function as nucleus in a cell
- Mychit – the first bacterial cell; it has only one nucleus
- Protit – the most primitive form of every microbe
- Spermi – the sexual cell = 1 Filum and 1 Symprotit
- Symplast – the unification of all different phases in order to copulate
- Symprotit – the three-dimensional unification of several protits (spherical shape)
- Synascit – name for all bacterial phases with multiple nuclei in all directions
- Systatogenie – the desire of primitive units to get together and form a more stable form
- Thecit – a mychit with more than 8 nuclei
- Thrombocyte – a mychit with 2 to 8 nuclei
Enderlein found the following errors in the official teachings:
- Bacterium paracoli is not a ‘degenerated’ Bacterium coli but the phytit of the endobiont.
- The cause for the infectivity of filtrates from tuberculous material is the chondrit of mycobacterium tuberculosum. This was already proven in 1910 by Fontes (Brasil) – (cf. Mem. Instit. Oswaldo Cruz, I, 2, 1910, pg. 186).
- Dostal demonstrateed that it is easily possible to convert mycobacterium tuberculosum into a spherical form (Basit) — (Wien. Med. Wochenschr., 60 Jahrg., 1910, pg. 2098-2100 and 63. Jahrg. 1913)
- Fibrin is not the result of precipitation of protein, but thecits of the endobiont.
- Megacariocytes (Metschnikov) are not ‘normal’ cell elements, but a mass infestation of primitive forms of the endobiont which disabled the ability of the cell and nucleus to divide. They do not originate from a leukocyte, but from an erythrocyte!
- The megaloblasts in anaemia perniciosa are not erythrocytes with nuclei, but erythrocytes which have a colony of endobiont chondrites (pseudonucleus) inside them, which causes the abnormal size.
- Normoblasts are erythrocytes that do not have a nucleus but a pseudonucleus made out of colonies of endobiont-chondrites.
- Macrocytes are enlarged erythrocytes without a nucleus. This is also caused by a massive invasion of endobiont-chondrites.
- Reticulocytes (Heilmeyer) are not erythrocytes with special organellae, but erythrocytes that have a little ‘tree’ of endobiont-chondrites inside.
- The round and spindle cells of sarcomas do not contain round and spindle cells of the host, but (round) cells and (spindle) cells of mycelias of the endobiont.
Royal R. Rife stated that there are only about ten different germs. All the various appearances that are classified in bacteriology are adaptations (through pleomorphic change) to the toxicity (or varying pH) of the medium they live in. He describes the pleomorphic development of E. coli as follows:
- E. coli
- salmonella typhi
- mycobacterium tuberculosum
- yeast forms
- BX (bacterium X)
- BY (bacterium Y)
Rife could isolate BX from all cancerous tumors, and found the BY in sarcomas. The change from one form into another happens in about 36 hours. BX and BY pass readily through 000 ceramic filters and cannot be seen in an ordinary light microscope.
Antibiotics severely increase the toxicity of the host organism, especially when highly toxic halogenated antibiotics are used. The ‘disappearance’ of a particular germ from the culture does not mean that the germ is dead; it only became invisible due to its transformation into an invisible form. That means that the host organism is now in a cancerous state.
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