My Inventions

Nikola Tesla

book Nikola Tesla
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Discover the mind of one of history’s greatest inventors in My Inventions: An Autobiography by Nikola Tesla.

Originally published in 1919, this captivating memoir reveals Tesla’s extraordinary journey from his early life in Croatia to becoming a pioneer of electrical engineering.In this insightful narrative, Tesla shares his groundbreaking discoveries, including the invention of the Tesla Coil and the development of alternating current (AC) systems, which revolutionized how electricity is generated and transmitted.

His reflections on creativity, the challenges of innovation, and the vision for a future powered by wireless energy offer a profound understanding of the man behind the inventions.Tesla’s unique perspective on science and technology is interwoven with personal anecdotes, showcasing his struggles with societal misunderstanding and his relentless pursuit of knowledge.

This edition, edited and reformatted for modern readers, invites you to explore the thoughts and experiences that shaped a visionary who sought to harness nature’s forces for the betterment of humanity.

Join Tesla as he unveils his remarkable life story—an inspiring account that continues to resonate with inventors, scientists, and dreamers today.


  1. My Early Life
  2. My First Efforts at Invention
  3. My Later Endeavors
  4. The Discovery of the Tesla Coil and Transformer
  5. The Magnifying Transmitter
  6. The Art of Telautomatics


“This book was nothing short but inspirational. I am in no way an electrical expert but this book makes me want to start a career in electrical engineering. After reading this informative autobiography of one of the world greatest inventors, I started researching ways to learn basic electrical components and how they work hands-on. I am mechanically inclined in certain ways but not an innovating way that Tesla was. The books shows how his ambitious mind to better mankind worked till he either passed out from exhaustion or a nervous breakdown. This is one of my favorite books and took notes of his quotes and actions so that I can mimic his persona to my advantage in some way.”

“There have been very few men born as compelling as Nikola Tesla. This father of alternating current and post mortem pop-culture icon shows himself to be fascinatingly introspective and shockingly accurate with his predictions of computers, the internet, AI, and World War ll. A must read for anyone interested in science or philosophy.”

“Awesome book. I would highly recommend it to anyone interested in the life and works of Nikola Tesla. Not only is it an invitation to one of the greatest minds of the last century but a chance to get to know Tesla as a person, as the book is filled with anecdotes of his early life. To my surprise and amusement, the inventor had a great sense of humour and very interesting views on various matters, such as friendship, politics and others. The book was written in 1919, almost a century ago, but i am sure it will be an inspiration for several generations to come, as some of Tesla’s ideas and conceptions have only started to become possible in the last few decades. This particular edition has pictures and illustrations of Tesla’s career and inventions, as well as some others extracted from newspapers and scientific publications of the time.”


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