An experiment: comparing 6 LLMs for prompt creation, and some of the usual image creators for prompt adherence and comprehension.

I am going to give six leading LLMs the same instruction to create a prompt. Then I am going to feed the various prompts to some of the most popular image creators, and post the results below.

There are two things being tested here:

  1. The ability of various AIs to come up with creative and useful prompts; and
  2. We are going to see how the various image creation apps go about following the prompts, and what sort of offerings they come up with.

We are going to end up with a good number of images, generated by prompts from six AIs — on nine image creation apps: Ideogram, NightCafe (Flux, Dall-E 3, and Imagen), Copilot, ChatGPT, Leonardo, Midjourney, and Gemini’s Imagen 3. The versions of each are whatever was current as of September 27, 2024.

Here is the prompt I fed to Gemini, CoPilot, Claude, Grok, ChatGPT (o1 mini), and Meta’s Llama.

Create a detailed and artistically ambitious prompt that I can use on image creation platforms such as Ideogram, Midjourney, Leonardo, Flux, etc…..

I want them to create a cinematic image of the room above Mr Charrington’s shop, as it is described in George Orwell’s novel ‘1984’. The novel describes the room in detail, so you have a lot to work with.

Include these essential elements:

  • a large double bed
  • the painting of St Clement’s church above the bed
  • Winston and Julia must be in the room. Get their descriptions from the novel.
  • There must be a side-table, on which is a small coffee pot and cups.
  • The room should be cluttered, with various antiques and old curios.
  • Through the window, we can see a run-down tenement building, on which are pasted various political posters, extolling big brother.

The above prompt is actually (and deliberately) quite light on detail – it is giving the AI the opportunity to exhibit knowledge of George Orwell’s novel and to be familiar with the text. I want the AI to do some work. In his novel ‘1984’, George Orwell describes the room above Mr Charrington’s shop in considerable detail. We are also asking the AIs to place the room in a context that makes sense in the novel. Why are things as they are, and what does that mean for the image we are making? What are the themes of the book? What function does the room serve? We haven’t asked AI to deal with that, we haven’t tried to seed the prompt with any idea of meaning or symbolic reference – but let’s see how we go. Let’s see if our prompt-crafting AIs go there….

Here, then, in no particular order, are the prompts generated by each AI in response to the instructions, with each prompt being followed by a selection of the images that it inspired in the various image creation platforms.


Create a cinematic image of the room above Mr. Charrington’s shop, as described in George Orwell’s novel ‘1984’. The scene should capture the essence of the novel’s setting and atmosphere, incorporating the following essential elements:

  1. Large Double Bed: A prominent, old-fashioned double bed with ragged blankets and a coverless bolster.
  2. Painting of St. Clement’s Church: Positioned above the bed, the painting should be slightly faded and old.
  3. Winston and Julia: Include Winston and Julia in the room. Winston is a contemplative man in his late 30s. Julia is a vivacious, attractive dark-haired, rebellious 26-year-old woman, practical and vital.
  4. Side-Table: A small side-table next to the bed, with a coffee pot and cups on it.
  5. Cluttered Room: The room should be filled with various antiques and old curios, giving it a sense of being a “pocket of the past.”
  6. Window View: Through the window, depict a run-down tenement building with political posters extolling Big Brother pasted on it.

Additional Details:

  • Lighting: Use dramatic lighting to create a sense of mystery and tension. Shadows should play across the room, highlighting the clutter and the characters.
  • Color Palette: Utilize muted, earthy tones to reflect the oppressive atmosphere of the novel, with occasional splashes of color from the antiques and curios.
  • Composition: Follow the rule of thirds to position the bed and characters, creating a balanced yet dynamic scene. The window view should draw the viewer’s eye to the outside world, emphasizing the contrast between the room’s relative safety and the oppressive society outside.
  • Mood: The overall mood should be one of secrecy and rebellion, with a hint of nostalgia for a lost past.
  • Copilot’s prompt lists the elements that we required, but apart from “The overall mood should be one of secrecy and rebellion, with a hint of nostalgia for a lost past,” it doesn’t really add anything that is any sort of reference to the novel or the film ‘1984’.
  • Midjourney and Gemini failed to include Winston and Julia.
  • Copilot included a picture of Winston and Julia rather than showing them as people, and decided that Winston should resemble George Orwell.
  • Ideogram decided that Winston is a geriatric, Leonardo got rid of him altogether, and the others made him a bit of a sadsack. Gemini ignored the instruction about the view through the window.
  • Grok got all the details right, other than putting the political poster beside the window, rather than on the building visible through the window.
  • Nightcafe’s Dreamshaper was the only one which really took on the instruction about the room being cluttered, and probably went a bit far.
  • Winner: Grok, for both prompt coherence, and not turning Winston into Julia’s grandfather.


  • The Room: A small, low-ceilinged room, filled with a sense of faded grandeur and neglect. Dust motes dance in the shafts of sunlight filtering through a grimy window. The walls are papered in a faded floral pattern, peeling in places, revealing glimpses of the brickwork beneath.
  • Central Focus: A large, old-fashioned double bed dominates the room, its once-luxurious fabrics now threadbare and stained. Above the bed hangs a faded painting of St. Clement’s Church, its colors muted and cracked with age.
  • Occupants:
    • Winston: A thin, frail man with a varicose ulcer above his right ankle. He lies on the bed, his face etched with lines of worry and defiance.
    • Julia: A dark-haired young woman with a bold, rebellious spirit. She sits beside Winston, her expression a mixture of tenderness and determination.
  • Furnishings:
    • Side Table: A small, rickety table stands beside the bed, cluttered with a mismatched coffee pot and two chipped cups.
    • Clutter: The room is filled with an assortment of antiques and curios, remnants of a bygone era: a grandfather clock with a stopped pendulum, a tarnished silver mirror, stacks of dusty books, and faded portraits in ornate frames.
  • View: Through the window, a bleak cityscape unfolds. A dilapidated tenement building stands opposite, its crumbling facade covered in garish political posters extolling Big Brother’s omnipotence.


  • Cinematic Lighting: Utilize a dramatic interplay of light and shadow to create a sense of intimacy and secrecy.
  • Color Palette: Employ a muted color palette with pops of color, such as the red of Julia’s sash or the blue of Winston’s overalls, to create a sense of visual interest and highlight key elements.
  • Atmosphere: Evoke a feeling of claustrophobia and clandestine romance, juxtaposed with the looming presence of a totalitarian regime.

Artistic Style:

  • Photorealism: Render the scene with meticulous detail, capturing the textures of the worn fabrics, the dust motes in the air, and the cracks in the paint.
  • Painterly Touches: Add subtle brushstrokes or texture overlays to create a sense of depth and atmosphere.
  • Composition: Use a dynamic composition, with leading lines and contrasting elements, to draw the viewer’s eye into the scene and create a sense of visual tension.

Additional Considerations:

  • Symbolism: Incorporate subtle symbolism, such as a wilting flower or a broken clock, to enhance the narrative and thematic depth of the image.
  • Perspective: Experiment with different camera angles and perspectives to create a unique and engaging composition.
  • Gemini got pretty creative with the prompt, with instructions such as the room being “filled with a sense of faded grandeur and neglect”, and having motes of dust suspended in the air.
  • Gemini mentions “the red of Julia’s sash or the blue of Winston’s overalls”, despite neither being mentioned in the initial instructions to it – it has pulled those details from the novel. Well done, Gemini.
  • It also mentions that the wallpaper is faded (as per the novel), but adds the detail that it is a floral design.
  • Gemini, Ideogram and Midjourney all missed having Winston and Julia in the room.
  • Gemini actually missed pretty much everything.
  • None of them got the wilted flower, or the broken clock.
  • As is often the case, Midjourney made a beautiful image, while ignoring much of the prompt. Midjourney users will be used to that.
  • Leonardo’s Julia looks worried, which makes sense, given the sorry state of Winston. Leonardo took “his face etched with lines of worry and defiance” very literally.
  • An honorable mention goes to CoPilot’s Dall-E 3 offering.
  • The gong goes to ChatGPT’s Dalle-3 trainwreck. That is one bad piece of AI art.
  • Winner: a tie between Nightcafe (Flux), and the other Flux user, Grok. Both iterations of Flux seemed to have a good time with Gemini’s prompt.


Visual Style:

  • Cinematic Realism with a touch of Vintage Noir, capturing the oppressive yet nostalgic atmosphere of the setting.
  • Rich, Warm Lighting emanating from a single window, casting soft shadows and highlighting textures.
  • Depth of Field focused on the central elements, with a slightly blurred background to enhance focus.


  • Room Layout:
    • A spacious, somewhat cluttered room filled with antique furniture and old curios that evoke a sense of history and resistance against the Party’s uniformity.
    • Large Double Bed dominates the center, with a heavy, dark wooden frame and crisp, slightly rumpled white linens.
    • Painting of St. Clement’s Church hangs prominently above the bed, its intricate details contrasting with the room’s otherwise worn aesthetic.
    • Side-Table beside the bed holds a small, vintage coffee pot and a pair of delicate ceramic cups, suggesting moments of intimate conversation.


  • Winston Smith:
    • Appearance: Middle-aged, thin, with a gaunt face. His expression is contemplative, eyes reflecting both weariness and a flicker of rebellion.
    • Attire: Wears a plain, slightly worn shirt with rolled-up sleeves, embodying his modest and cautious nature.
    • Position: Seated on the edge of the bed, perhaps writing in a journal or gazing thoughtfully out the window.
  • Julia:
    • Appearance: Younger than Winston, with dark, short hair and a more vibrant demeanor. Her eyes convey determination and a subtle defiance against the oppressive regime.
    • Attire: Simple yet slightly more stylish than Winston’s, possibly a fitted blouse and skirt, indicating her practical yet rebellious spirit.
    • Position: Standing near the side-table, holding a cup of coffee, engaging in an intimate conversation with Winston.

Room Details:

  • Clutter and Antiques:
    • Shelves filled with vintage books, ornate trinkets, and collectibles that hint at a world before the Party’s domination.
    • A worn rug covers part of the wooden floor, adding warmth and texture to the room.
    • Curtains slightly drawn, allowing light to filter in while maintaining privacy.

Window View:

  • Exterior Scene: Through a dusty window pane, a run-down tenement building is visible. The façade is marred by weathered walls and peeling paint.
  • Political Posters: Various propaganda posters are pasted haphazardly on the building, all extolling Big Brother, with bold slogans and stark imagery reflecting the omnipresent surveillance state.


  • A tense yet intimate ambiance, balancing the clandestine nature of Winston and Julia’s relationship with the oppressive environment outside.
  • Muted Color Palette with earthy tones, punctuated by the vibrant hues of the church painting and political posters, creating a visual contrast between rebellion and conformity.

Additional Elements:

  • Subtle Symbolism: Incorporate elements like a hidden telescreen in the room or a torn piece of a forbidden book partially visible, hinting at the underlying tension and danger.
  • Textural Details: Emphasize the grain of the wooden furniture, the fabric of the curtains, and the gloss of the ceramic cups to add depth and realism.

Instructions for the Artist/Image Generator:

  • Composition: Center the large double bed with the painting above it as the focal point. Position Winston and Julia to create a natural interaction, with the side-table between them. Ensure the window with the external view is visible, framing the tenement and posters.
  • Lighting: Utilize soft, natural lighting from the window to create a moody and intimate setting. Highlight the characters and key room elements while allowing shadows to add depth.
  • Textures and Details: Pay close attention to the textures of the furniture, fabrics, and objects to enhance realism. Include detailed representations of the antiques and curios to reflect the room’s cluttered nature.
  • Color Scheme: Use a harmonious color palette that reflects the novel’s themes—earthy tones for the room, contrasting with the vibrant colors of the church painting and political posters.
  • Mood: Convey a sense of secrecy and rebellion intertwined with the bleakness of the dystopian world outside, capturing the essence of Winston and Julia’s clandestine relationship.
  • ChatGPT’s prompt is the most detailed and comprehensive of the lot.
  • It includes details from the novel – e.g. “resistance against the Party’s uniformity”, and “capturing the essence of Winston and Julia’s clandestine relationship” — that it has pulled from the text of the novel, without being specifically instructed to.
  • It has asked for “elements like a hidden telescreen in the room or a torn piece of a forbidden book partially visible, hinting at the underlying tension and danger.” — again, showing awareness of the novel, and what a telescreen and a forbidden book suggest. (none of the AIs picked up on these, though.)
  • Gemini complained about the prompt contravening its guidelines, and when instructed to make the image anyway, but change the prompt to adhere to the guidelines – came up with the insane kitchen image.
  • Meta did much the same – so both of them get the gong for this prompt.
  • Why Nightcafe (Dall-E 3) put Mahatma Ghandi in there, we’ll never know…
  • CoPilot’s Dall-E 3 was only one who adhered to the instruction to “Position Winston and Julia to create a natural interaction, with the side-table between them.” It actually seemed to get on well with ChatGPT’s prompt, and didn’t seem to have a problem with the length of it..
  • Grok initially left Winston and Julia out, but with a rerun of its own prompt, it got things right. (Grok shows you the enhanced, or altered, prompt that it runs after analysing the prompt that you enter). It wouldn’t be fair to give Grok this round, so:
  • Winners: Nightcafe (Flux), even though Winston has become an old age pensioner, and Copilot, on account of its adherence to the prompt.

Llama (Meta)

“Create a hauntingly atmospheric image of the room above Mr. Charrington’s antique shop, as described in George Orwell’s dystopian novel ‘1984’. Capture the warmth and intimacy of Winston and Julia’s secret sanctuary amidst the oppressive surveillance of Oceania.

Key Elements:

  • The room’s centerpiece: a large, worn, double bed with a patchwork quilt, adorned with the vibrant painting of St. Clement’s church above it.
  • Winston Smith, gaunt and worn, with a resolute expression, sitting on the edge of the bed, perhaps holding a journal or looking up at Julia.
  • Julia, attractive, dark-haired, and pale-skinned, reclining on the bed, lost in thought or gazing lovingly at Winston.
  • A cluttered side-table beside the bed, bearing a small, ornate coffee pot, two delicate china cups, and possibly a few crumbs or sugar packets.
  • The room cluttered with eclectic antiques and curios: vintage clocks, dusty vases, faded photographs, and other relics of a bygone era.
  • Through the grimy window, a glimpse of a dilapidated tenement building, plastered with tattered propaganda posters extolling Big Brother, the Party, and ominous slogans (‘War is Peace’, ‘Freedom is Slavery’, ‘Ignorance is Strength’).
  • Soft, warm lighting, perhaps from a lone candle or the fading afternoon sun, casting long shadows and accentuating the room’s cozy, makeshift sense of refuge.

Mood and Atmosphere:

  • Convey the sense of precarious tranquillity, a fleeting oasis amidst the all-pervasive surveillance and oppression.
  • Capture the intensity of Winston and Julia’s forbidden love, their faces and body language conveying longing, vulnerability, and resilience.
  • Incorporate subtle hints of decay, neglect, and the looming threat of discovery.

Visual Style:

  • Inspired by the works of Expressionist and Social Realist artists (e.g., Otto Dix, John Heartfield), with bold lines, muted colors, and an emphasis on texture and atmosphere.
  • Consider incorporating distressed textures, film grain, or other visual effects to evoke a sense of worn, vintage film stock.


  • George Orwell’s ‘1984’ novel
  • Classic cinematic adaptations of ‘1984’ (e.g., Michael Radford’s 1984 film)
  • The works of Syd Mead, Jean ‘Mœbius’ Giraud, and other influential sci-fi concept artists


  • A high-resolution, cinematic image (16:9 or 2.35:1 aspect ratio)
  • Detailed, realistic textures and environments
  • Expressive character models and lighting”
  • Meta’s Llama created another detailed and creative set of instructions, on a par with ChatGPT. I find it odd that Meta’s Llama complains so easily when making images, and just plain refuses to play at all, presumably because of copyright and public figure issues, and yet it quite happily referred to ‘1984’ and George Orwell by name when crafting its prompt.
  • It shows awareness of the novel (“the Party, and ominous slogans (‘War is Peace’, ‘Freedom is Slavery’, ‘Ignorance is Strength’), and also recognises that the room is a refuge.
  • Meta’s is the only prompt which specifically lists the novel as a reference.
  • Nightcafe rejected the above prompt, citing ‘forbidden words’ (and without actually saying which words, which was not helpful, but I assume that it was the reference to the novel by name…) so I used Grok’s interpretation of the prompt:
    ‘small, low-ceilinged room with faded grandeur, dusty sunlight through grimy window, floral wallpaper peeling to show brickwork, large old-fashioned double bed with patchwork quilt, vibrant painting of St. Clement’s church above, Winston Smith, gaunt and worn, sitting on bed edge, holding journal or looking at Julia, Julia, dark-haired, pale-skinned, reclining, gazing at Winston, cluttered side-table with ornate coffee pot, china cups, crumbs, eclectic antiques, vintage clocks, dusty vases, faded’
    … and used that instead for the Nightcafe images above. Nightcafe parsed the Grok prompts with no problem.
  • All models included Winston and Julia this time.
  • The Ideogram image and the Copilot Dall-E 3 images are terrible, but at least ChatGPT is trying to Winston hooked into a threeway. It does that.
  • Ideogram gets the gong, and not just for missing the window and the view outside.
  • Honourable mention goes to Midjourney, for its painterly style, and finally getting Winston and Julia in the shot, and Grok, for some impressive realism, and also providing the prompt which got Nightcafe over the line..
  • Winner: Nightcafe (Flux), for excellent realism, and adherence to the prompt. Flux seemed to like the way Meta put the prompt together. Perhaps the heading “Key elements” is a good thing.


“Create a cinematic, atmospheric image of a spacious, sunlit room in a shabby Victorian-era building. The focal point is a large, ornate double bed with a faded floral quilt. Above it hangs a somber oil painting of an old church with a pointed spire.

Two figures occupy the room: a thin man with sandy hair and a round face, dressed in drab overalls, and a vivacious dark-haired young woman with a bold, defiant expression, wearing a simple blue party uniform.

Near the bed, place an antique side-table supporting a tarnished silver coffee pot and two mismatched china cups. The room should be cluttered with various curiosities: dusty books, an old grandfather clock, vintage photographs in tarnished frames, and assorted bric-a-brac that hint at a bygone era.

Through a large sash window, reveal a dilapidated tenement building across a narrow street. Its walls are plastered with faded political posters featuring a stern, mustachioed face and bold slogans.

The lighting should be soft and golden, filtering through lace curtains and casting long shadows, creating a sense of temporary sanctuary amidst a dystopian world. Use a muted color palette dominated by sepia tones, with occasional splashes of faded blues and reds.

Emphasize the contrast between the cozy, timeless quality of the room’s interior and the harsh, oppressive world visible beyond the window. The overall mood should be one of fragile tranquility tinged with an undercurrent of tension and forbidden romance.”

  • Perhaps the most minimal and worst-performing prompt of the lot. Not much detail, and no particular efforts at creative direction.
  • Apart from ‘dystopian world’, and ‘a simple blue party uniform’, it doesn’t pull in anything from the novel, and it makes no special effort to be creative.
  • No one excelled in this round, probably because Claude’s prompt was so lacklustre.
  • The gong goes to Ideogram, not only for missing the “harsh, oppressive world visible beyond the window”, but also for turning Winston into the hunchback of Notre Dame and Julia into his sister. Its all wrong.
  • No version of Dall-E 3 had a good time.
  • The winner: Grok – despite not having much to work with, it at least adhered to the prompt.


“Create a cinematic and atmospheric rendering of the clandestine room above Mr. Charrington’s shop from George Orwell’s ‘1984’. The scene should capture the essence of a hidden refuge turned into a trap.

  • Central Focus: A large, old-fashioned double bed with a slightly sagging mattress, indicative of many secret moments shared, covered in a worn, perhaps once-elegant quilt.
  • Background: Above the bed, hang an old, faded painting of St. Clement’s Church, its frame ornate but dusty, hinting at forgotten times.
  • Characters:
    • Winston Smith: Should look like a man in his late thirties, thin, with an expression of weary defiance. His hair is thinning, and his skin has the pallor of someone who spends too much time indoors. His clothes are drab, typical of the Outer Party member’s attire.
    • Julia: A vivacious and attractive woman in her mid-twenties, with dark hair, a bold and lively face. She should wear her red Anti-Sex League sash in a way that suggests her rebellious nature, perhaps draped carelessly over a chair or on the bed.
  • Furniture and Props:
    • Include a small, rickety side-table next to the bed with a quaint, old-fashioned coffee pot and two mismatched cups, suggesting moments of shared intimacy.
    • The room must be cluttered with antiques and curios: a dusty gramophone, stacks of old books, perhaps an old clock stopped at a forgotten hour, and various knick-knacks that give the room a lived-in, secretive feel.
  • Window and View:
    • Through a small, grimy window, depict a stark contrast with the outside world. Capture a view of a dilapidated tenement building opposite, with walls plastered in propaganda posters. These posters should glorify Big Brother with slogans like ‘Big Brother is Watching You’, featuring the stern, omnipresent eyes of Big Brother.
  • Lighting and Mood:
    • The lighting should be dim and moody, perhaps with a shaft of light coming through the window, highlighting the dust in the air, creating a sense of both sanctuary and impending doom. Use shadows effectively to enhance the clandestine atmosphere.
  • Artistic Elements:
    • The palette should be muted with occasional splashes of color from the antiques or Julia’s presence, evoking a sense of faded glory and hidden passion against a backdrop of oppression.
    • Aim for a composition that feels both intimate and claustrophobic, encapsulating the dual nature of the room as both a haven and a cell.

This image should not only depict a scene but also evoke the emotions and themes of Orwell’s novel: love in the face of tyranny, the illusion of privacy, and the ever-present eye of totalitarian surveillance.”

  • Grok’s prompt is shorter than some of the others, but it does bring elements from the novel …. “a hidden refuge turned into a trap”, “She should wear her red Anti-Sex League sash in a way that suggests her rebellious nature”, and “love in the face of tyranny, the illusion of privacy, and the ever-present eye of totalitarian surveillance”
  • Grok’s prompt also adds some opportunity for creative licence: “The lighting should be dim and moody, perhaps with a shaft of light coming through the window, highlighting the dust in the air, creating a sense of both sanctuary and impending doom”.
  • This prompt would not get through Nightcafe at all…. it complained about mentioning ‘public figures, even when mention of ‘George Orwell’ or ‘1984’ were removed.
  • Also, Midjourney complained, probably because of the word ‘sex’, in ‘Anti-Sex League’. It wouldn’t get past Midjourney’s nanny state algorithms.
  • There’s something about Grok’s prompt which didn’t really work 100% for any of the models. Gemini, Copilot and Ideogram all omitted Winston and Julia; ChatGPT’s Dall-E 3 forgot Julia but put her red ash on Winston, and even Grok’s Flux was uninspired anough to leave Winston out altogether.
  • Everyone but Grok can have the gong this time. If I had to choose one, it’s ChatGPT’s Dall-E 3.
  • The winner: Grok, again. Despite Winston’s absence and the lack of a convincing view out the window, it is by far the best quality and most convincing image. (Julia’s foot is something else though….)


Most of the prompts were detailed and comprehensive . They all went into detail, and got quite creative. ChatGPT got into production details, as if it was making a movie scene.

  • Some prompts caused platforms to reject the job altogether: MetaAI was unusable on that account, and offered no explanation of why. Totally useless for image creation. It consistently refused to make images, and on the one occasion that it did, it had literally nothing to do with the prompt. Meta AI in its current state is unusable.
  • Nightcafe rejected any mention of ‘public figures’ – even fictional ones, apparently – but at least would attempt some sort of explanation of what the problem was. But it also got in the way too much. There’s only so much nanny state we can be expected to put up with.
  • There were a few times that Leonardo seemed to hang and not deliver an image – there was no way of telling what the issue was there. Also, Leonard seems to truncate long prompts, which would explain why it missed so many details.
  • Several times, Dalle-3 tried set up a threeway with Winston and two women. I’m not judging, but that’s not what the prompt was asking for.
  • Also bordering on unusable was Google’s Gemini – it still seems to a problem with depicting people. Despite clear instructions to include Winston and Julia. it delivered endless empty – and frustratingly well rendered – rooms. It seemed to be inconsistent about having problems with mentioning names and books – e.g. it was capable of introducing elements from the novel without being asked, such as Big Brother posters, yet would insist on leaving figures out.
  • For reasons known only to itself, Dall-E 3 was fond of depicting Winston as George Orwell. OK.

Image quality

There are some clear winners and losers here.

  • Ideogram may have been a rock star a few months ago, but it’s not up to it these days. Its images have many problems which other models have solved and moved on from – deformed limbs, awkward compositions..
  • Dall-E images have a strange composed, stilted quality to them, which seems consistent – so much so that it is easy to tell a Dall-E 3 image, whether it’s made in Copilot, ChatGPT, or in Nightcafe.
  • Midjourney, as always, makes beautiful images, stylistically speaking, and as always, has problems adhering to the prompts. If it could just do as it’s told, it would be a contender – but insisting on expressing its creativity seems to be hardwired into it.
  • This exercise might have been a tie between Grok and Nightcafe, if it wasn’t for Nightcafe’s Googleseque control freakery and whining about ‘guidelines’. Nightcafe really need to get over their phobia about ‘forbidden words’, and ‘public figures’.

The clear winner for image creation, if you haven’t guessed by now, is Grok. It’s based on Flux, so both the image quality and obedience to the prompt put it miles ahead of any of its competitors. It doesn’t whinge about everything that upsets Meta, Gemini, and Nightcafe.

As for prompts – the best results above came from using prompts by ChatGPT, Gemini, and Grok’s revisions of Meta’s prompts.

In my next post, I will explore the effect of prompts from various sources, all going through Grok. We’ll look at ‘enhanced prompts’, and what they do to the results.

We’ll also look more into the various LLMs’ abilities to get information from books and films.

If anyone has any suggestions or reflections on progress so far, drop them in the comments below.

DLM, a Distant Mirror

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