The Soul of the White Ant

Paperback, Kindle, Epub, Audiobook

The amazing results of a long, close study of the lives of termites.

“As a safari Guide in the Okavango Botswana for many years, I used this book as a basis for presenting a fascination for the smaller creatures of the African bush, my home for my entire life and which I was privileged to share with many clients from different countries. Termite mounds are really interesting and Eugene Marais compared the infrastructure of a termitary to that of the human body. Writing from the heart, this scientific author instills a wonder in the reader, of the incredible intricacies of nature, in a light-hearted, easily readable manner.”

“An excellent read – astonishing for its time. A heartfelt and truly holistic/metaphysical observation of how the colony functions which is deeply thought provoking…”
