Franz Schubert – a Biography / EPUB

Clarity of outline, conciseness, and formal beauty are excellent things in musical works, but an exquisite fancy, a noble imagination, and a lofty poetic spirit are of infinitely greater account; and no one ever possessed these inestimable gifts in richer profusion than Franz Schubert.

This new edition of Henry Frost’s 1892 biography of Franz Schubert has been edited and revised. The original references to pieces by Opus number have been replaced with the more commonly used D numbers. Many illustrations of places and people have been added throughout the text, and a complete catalogue of Schubert’s works has been included.

“With faith man steps forth into the world. Faith is far ahead of understanding and knowledge; for to understand anything, I must first of all believe something. Faith is the higher basis on which weak understanding rears its first columns of proof; reason is nothing but faith analysed.” – Franz Schubert

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Franz Schubert – a Biography / PDF

Clarity of outline, conciseness, and formal beauty are excellent things in musical works, but an exquisite fancy, a noble imagination, and a lofty poetic spirit are of infinitely greater account; and no one ever possessed these inestimable gifts in richer profusion than Franz Schubert.

This new edition of Henry Frost’s 1892 biography of Franz Schubert has been edited and revised. The original references to pieces by Opus number have been replaced with the more commonly used D numbers. Many illustrations of places and people have been added throughout the text, and a complete catalogue of Schubert’s works has been included.

“With faith man steps forth into the world. Faith is far ahead of understanding and knowledge; for to understand anything, I must first of all believe something. Faith is the higher basis on which weak understanding rears its first columns of proof; reason is nothing but faith analysed.” – Franz Schubert

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Earthworm / PDF

George Oliver returns the reader to a time and methodology where people took responsibility for what they did and what they produced. In this world of spiraling food prices, huge landfills, diminishing food supplies, loss of topsoil, and water pollution, the reader is gently chastised for “letting someone else do it” and being “just too busy.” We were once a self-reliant nation; now we outsource. Oliver shows the reader what is wrong and why. And the book is about earthworms.

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Ten Acres is Enough / EPUB

“Recently we have seen a great back-to-the-land movement, with many young professional people returning to small scale farming; thus it is great fun to read about someone who did exactly the same thing in 1864. In that year, Mr. Edmund Morris gave up his business and city life for a farm of ten acres, made a go of mixed farming and then wrote a book about it. Mr. Morris proves Abraham Lincoln’s prediction: ‘The greatest fine art of the future will be the making of a comfortable living from a small piece of land’.” – Sally Fallon, The Weston Price Foundation

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Ten Acres is Enough / PDF

“Recently we have seen a great back-to-the-land movement, with many young professional people returning to small scale farming; thus it is great fun to read about someone who did exactly the same thing in 1864. In that year, Mr. Edmund Morris gave up his business and city life for a farm of ten acres, made a go of mixed farming and then wrote a book about it. Mr. Morris proves Abraham Lincoln’s prediction: ‘The greatest fine art of the future will be the making of a comfortable living from a small piece of land’.” – Sally Fallon, The Weston Price Foundation

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The Saxons in Britain / PDF

A history of Britain from prehistoric and Roman times, through the arrival of the Saxons, the development of the Octarchy, and up to the arrival of the Vikings and the reign of Aethelwulf, father of Alfred the Great.

Before the Saxons | The Dawn of History – The Ancient Britons – The Druids – Landing of Julius Cæsar – Caractacus, Boadicea, and Agricola – Departure of the Romans – Britain after the Roman Period

The Saxon Invasion | The Ancient Saxons – Hengist, Horsa, Rowena, and Vortigern – Ella, Cerdric, and King Arthur – Establishment of the Saxon Octarchy – The Conversion of Ethelbert – Edwin, King of the Deiri and Bernicia – Penda, the Pagan Monarch of Mercia – Decline of the Saxon Octarchy – Offa the Terrible – Egbert, King of All the Saxons

Appendices | Anglo-Saxon culture – Religion – Government and laws – Literature – Architecture, art, and science – Costume, manners, customs, and everyday life

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The Day of the Nefilim / EPUB

“THERE IS NOTHING more joyous to me than discovering new, raw creativity. David Major, regardless of his hallucinogen(s) of choice, is a rare find and a fun read. With a smidgeon of Douglas Adams he spends all of six pages before rearranging our world with a sledgehammer and sending us down into underground caves, underworld civilizations in a ship that sails the winds of time. While Mr. Major hints occasionally at the science and history behind his bizarre story it almost doesn’t matter as this great book if a delightful fantasy and well worth the read.” — J. Stephen Peek
THIS WAS AN EXCELLENT READ. Elements of Moorcock, Heinlein and Barker. Deserves serious consideration for the avid SF reader. Hopefully will spawn some more instalments in the story line. Also feel it has the makings of a good screenplay. Thanks for the great writing!” — Ron W.

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The Day of the Nefilim / PDF

“THERE IS NOTHING more joyous to me than discovering new, raw creativity. David Major, regardless of his hallucinogen(s) of choice, is a rare find and a fun read. With a smidgeon of Douglas Adams he spends all of six pages before rearranging our world with a sledgehammer and sending us down into underground caves, underworld civilizations in a ship that sails the winds of time. While Mr. Major hints occasionally at the science and history behind his bizarre story it almost doesn’t matter as this great book if a delightful fantasy and well worth the read.” — J. Stephen Peek
THIS WAS AN EXCELLENT READ. Elements of Moorcock, Heinlein and Barker. Deserves serious consideration for the avid SF reader. Hopefully will spawn some more instalments in the story line. Also feel it has the makings of a good screenplay. Thanks for the great writing!” — Ron W.

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Air for Fire / EPUB

A collection of nine short stories and miscellaneous poems by David Major, author of The Day of the Nefilim. While the Nefilim was a meandering trip through some of the world’s great conspiracy theories, here is a collection of short tales that happen in every timeline but this one.

Air for Fire • The Princess Aslauga • The Tower • Berthezene • The One a Dog Runs To • All That The Thunderer Wrung From Thee • Rhakotis • Feeding the Beast • The Serpent & the Horse

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Air for Fire / PDF

A collection of nine short stories and miscellaneous poems by David Major, author of The Day of the Nefilim. While the Nefilim was a meandering trip through some of the world’s great conspiracy theories, Air for Fire is a collection of short tales that happen in every timeline but this one.

Air for Fire • The Princess Aslauga • The Tower • Berthezene • The One a Dog Runs To • All That The Thunderer Wrung From Thee • Rhakotis • Feeding the Beast • The Serpent & the Horse

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The Problem of Increasing Human Energy / EPUB

Eventually holding over 700 patents, Tesla worked in a number of fields, including electricity, robotics, radar, and the wireless transmission of energy. This book contains Tesla’s thoughts on humanity’s relationship with the universe, and also his explanation of the technological advancements embodied in his work. This text was first published in Century Illustrated Magazine in June 1900.

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The Problem of Increasing Human Energy / PDF

Eventually holding over 700 patents, Tesla worked in a number of fields, including electricity, robotics, radar, and the wireless transmission of energy. This book contains Tesla’s thoughts on humanity’s relationship with the universe, and also his explanation of the technological advancements embodied in his work. This text was first published in Century Illustrated Magazine in June 1900.

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My Inventions / EPUB

“I would highly recommend this book to anyone interested in the life and works of Nikola Tesla. Not only is it an invitation to one of the greatest minds of the last century but a chance to get to know Tesla as a person, as the book is filled with anecdotes of his early life. To my surprise and amusement, the inventor had a great sense of humour and very interesting views on various matters, such as friendship, politics and others. The book was written in 1919, almost a century ago, but I am sure it will be an inspiration for several generations to come…” – reader review

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My Inventions / PDF

“I would highly recommend this book to anyone interested in the life and works of Nikola Tesla. Not only is it an invitation to one of the greatest minds of the last century but a chance to get to know Tesla as a person, as the book is filled with anecdotes of his early life. To my surprise and amusement, the inventor had a great sense of humour and very interesting views on various matters, such as friendship, politics and others. The book was written in 1919, almost a century ago, but I am sure it will be an inspiration for several generations to come…” – reader review

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Reconstruction by Way of the Soil / EPUB

Reconstruction by Way of the Soil uses case studies from Ancient Rome, nomadic societies, medieval England, Africa and Egypt, the West Indies, Russia, Australia and the USA to show that nothing is more important and fundamental than the relationship between civilization and the soil. The book takes us through the history of some of the world’s most important civilizations, concentrating on the relationship between humanity and the soil. Guy Wrench shows how farming practices, and the care – or lack of care – with which the soil is treated has brought about both the rise and fall of civilizations.

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Reconstruction by Way of the Soil / PDF

Reconstruction by Way of the Soil uses case studies from Ancient Rome, nomadic societies, medieval England, Africa and Egypt, the West Indies, Russia, Australia and the USA to show that nothing is more important and fundamental than the relationship between civilization and the soil. The book takes us through the history of some of the world’s most important civilizations, concentrating on the relationship between humanity and the soil. Guy Wrench shows how farming practices, and the care – or lack of care – with which the soil is treated has brought about both the rise and fall of civilizations.

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The Wheel of Health / PDF

The Hunza of northern Pakistan were famous for their extraordinary vitality and health.

Dr Wrench argues that in part at least, this is because their food was not made ‘sophisticated’, by the artificial processes typically applied to modern processed food. How these processes affect our food is dealt with in great detail in this book.

The answer that Dr Wrench uncovered in his researches goes deeper than just the food, though. The real answer lies in what was special about the Hunza’s water supply.

A new edition, illustrated.

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The Soul of the White Ant / EPUB

“As a safari Guide in the Okavango Botswana for many years, I used this book as a basis for presenting a fascination for the smaller creatures of the African bush, my home for my entire life and which I was privileged to share with many clients from different countries. Termite mounds are really interesting and Eugene Marais compared the infrastructure of a termitary to that of the human body. Writing from the heart, this scientific author instills a wonder in the reader, of the incredible intricacies of nature, in a light-hearted, easily readable manner.”

“An excellent read – astonishing for its time. A heartfelt and truly holistic/metaphysical observation of how the colony functions which is deeply thought provoking…”

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The Soul of the White Ant / PDF

“As a safari Guide in the Okavango Botswana for many years, I used this book as a basis for presenting a fascination for the smaller creatures of the African bush, my home for my entire life and which I was privileged to share with many clients from different countries. Termite mounds are really interesting and Eugene Marais compared the infrastructure of a termitary to that of the human body. Writing from the heart, this scientific author instills a wonder in the reader, of the incredible intricacies of nature, in a light-hearted, easily readable manner.”

“An excellent read – astonishing for its time. A heartfelt and truly holistic/metaphysical observation of how the colony functions which is deeply thought provoking…”

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The Soul of the Ape / EPUB

“One of the great masterpieces of scientific literature. I would even say it is a masterpiece of literature alone. I hope this man is remembered by the future and not forgotten further.” – reader review

Eugene Marais spent three years living in the South African wilderness in close daily contact with a troop of baboons. He later described this as the happiest, most content time of his troubled life. This period produced two works which are testament to his research and conclusions; they have very different histories.

Firstly, there was a series of articles written in Afrikaans for the newspaper Die Vaderland. They were then published in book form under the title Burgers van die Berge, and were first published in an English translation in 1939 under the title My Friends the Baboons. These pieces were written in a popular vein suitable to a newspaper readership, and were not regarded seriously by Marais himself. They are a journal; a series of anecdotes and impressions.

The Soul of the Ape, which Marais wrote in beautifully clear and precise English, was the more serious scientific document; however after his death in 1936, it could not be found. It was lost for 32 years, and was recovered in 1968, and published the following year.

The excellent introduction by Robert Ardrey that is included in this volume was part of the 1969 and subsequent editions of The Soul of the Ape, and adds greatly to an appreciation of its importance.

Together, these three texts give us as complete a picture as we will ever get of Marais’ three year study of these complex relatives of humanity, and its implications for the study of consciousness.

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